Stained Glass Ceilings

This dome in McKinney uses LED lighting above in the attic. Designed from a photo the client sent of an antique ceiling in a hotel, as the design developed she changed some of the colors and patterns to suit her home.
A hanging ceiling of stained glass. A wooden frame hangs from the ceiling, the LED light shines through the panels.

Restoring the old plaster and ceramic tile at the Crazy Water Hotel in Mineral Wells, Texas. I restored 6 floors, there was some really nice decorative plaster in the dining room. I made molds, cleaned, recast, refinished, using old photos and information.

There was an old mineral water bar, the largest ever in the world. I had to restore it but some of it was missing. So I recreated the old tiles with molds and a kiln. It was important to make the restored part match the original and also mark the restored from the original.

As you see it was badly damaged. I used dental tools, and slowly restored it.

It was sort of really really tedious and slow, and dusty, but it was really important to restore it.

So much damage, and coats of paint on top of original colors, it was like a detective story discovering the original colors and rebuilding it all.

After restoring it.

Making a mold from the plasterwork.

Restored water bar, I also made the marble water station and taps.

They had me make the tap from this old illustration. Except a bit wider for the 4 types of water.

Restored Capitals

The water tap for the 4 types of crazy water.

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